"My name is Percival Wemys Madison of Vicarage, Harcourt St. Anthony, Hants".

Thursday 13 June 2013

We Were Found! :P

            We were found! I can go home. I will be safe and mommy can tuck me into my warm bed every night. I will always remember this island; it has been fun at times and also scary. I have overcome the beastie and seen unimaginable things. I think the island made me a stronger boy; I know how to fight, hunt and live on an island. I believe the island has been life changing for everyone. No one will ever forget the time we shared these past few months. I think the events that took place on the island will alter how the other boys and I live our life from now on. Even though we will go our separate ways after we get back to England; we will still have that connection of the times we spent together.
            If I could re-write the ending of this book, I would stop the two groups from fighting. I would make sure that Ralph was never chased or hurt and I wouldn't have helped trash the island. I just wish the group would have never separated; our group was perfect at the beginning. Why couldn't everyone had just gotten along? I would have changed the ending because I didn't like how everyone turned on each other and started getting violent. It was really scary to see Jack get mad, and Piggy's death was overwhelming. I still see Piggy sometimes; he's like my imaginary friend. I still try not to think about what happened to him, the fact that this group of boys, my friends, could do this scares me inside. I am just happy to be going home.

Wednesday 12 June 2013


Why can't we all just be friends and get along! Be happy, were all together at least! :)