"My name is Percival Wemys Madison of Vicarage, Harcourt St. Anthony, Hants".

Thursday 13 June 2013

We Were Found! :P

            We were found! I can go home. I will be safe and mommy can tuck me into my warm bed every night. I will always remember this island; it has been fun at times and also scary. I have overcome the beastie and seen unimaginable things. I think the island made me a stronger boy; I know how to fight, hunt and live on an island. I believe the island has been life changing for everyone. No one will ever forget the time we shared these past few months. I think the events that took place on the island will alter how the other boys and I live our life from now on. Even though we will go our separate ways after we get back to England; we will still have that connection of the times we spent together.
            If I could re-write the ending of this book, I would stop the two groups from fighting. I would make sure that Ralph was never chased or hurt and I wouldn't have helped trash the island. I just wish the group would have never separated; our group was perfect at the beginning. Why couldn't everyone had just gotten along? I would have changed the ending because I didn't like how everyone turned on each other and started getting violent. It was really scary to see Jack get mad, and Piggy's death was overwhelming. I still see Piggy sometimes; he's like my imaginary friend. I still try not to think about what happened to him, the fact that this group of boys, my friends, could do this scares me inside. I am just happy to be going home.

Wednesday 12 June 2013


Why can't we all just be friends and get along! Be happy, were all together at least! :)

Thursday 30 May 2013

Our Family!

A group should be a family. :) People that work well together to get things done. There should be balance with everything that happens in a group such as the tasks, leadership, and decisions. Everyone should get to be a part in making decisions that affect the group. With Ralph and Jack, we will never have a perfect group. Their leadership styles are too different to work well together. Right now on the island we are all having problems. Everyone is fighting and they all seem to be doing their own thing. I feel alone. People are also following Jack because what he is doing is fun, unlike Ralph and Piggy who are actually doing stuff to help us get rescued and survive on the island. No one seems to understand the need for both fun and important things on the island. One day I hope we will all just get along and live together as one big happy family. Jack is just acting super silly, but he looks kind of cool with the war paint on his face and he got us lots of meat!! I'm not hungry anymore. However he does have a self-interest behaviour, by displaying a lack of respect for the other kids and nit-picking every little thing Ralph does. He's makes bad jokes about everyone and it sucks. I don't understand why everyone has been so sad lately, WE KILLED THE BEASTIE! Shouldn't everyone be happy? Simon seems to be missing though; I think he went off to kill another pig! Considering he's so tough and all. I think the older boys know where he is because they keep acting weird when I ask about him. It's like they’re not telling us something! :( I wonder if he is okay. It sucks without him!  I want my friend back! The documentry, The Wave was scary! It showed me that kids get caught up in the idea of being the same. I feel like we are starting to do the same thing on the island...everyone is following Jack just because he says that his way is better, they dont know what is really good or not; they just want to be included in the group. In the clip, Laurie stands up for her individuality by not repeating the motto and writing against, The Wave in the school paper. I think that Ralph is like Laurie in this way, he doesn't go with Jack to hunt and have fun because he knows what is right and what has to be done.  I think that the group is going to break up even more, and Ralph will continue trying to get us back home while Jack just sits around getting meat served to him.

Friday 24 May 2013

Vote for Piggy!!

A vote for piggy is a vote for the littuns! :) Piggy cares about us; he makes us laugh and helps us when we're sad. He makes me forget about home so I’m not upset. He treats us like we should be treated as part of the group. He's always there for us and even stood up to both Ralph and Jack. He's tough! His name might not seem like much but he gets the job done (and he's not mean about doing so). If Piggy was the leader the fire would have never gone out. He always makes sure we're tucked into bed and would make sure everything would go perfectly with NO FIGHTS! If Jack becomes the leader, Ralph would be mad and get upset and try to hurt him but if Ralph becomes leader, Jack would freak out and take his group of strong hunters with him. We would have no food to eat! :( I think Piggy would keep everyone in line. He's responsible, strong, enthusiastic, and helpful! Jack and Ralph are bullies that don't care if we get hurt and never try to comfort us when we're crying. They are a bunch of big meanies! If Piggy is elected we could live happily all together with no fights or arguments. He would make sure we would live in a civilized manner and that we didn't turn into savages. We would always have fresh water in the coconuts and the bathroom would be in one spot; everything that Ralph couldn't deliver. If you don't vote for Piggy, then don't vote for anyone! Ralph and Jack suck!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

First Night!

After we got on the plane, it crashed on this island with no people and pink rocks. It was pretty but weird at the same time! We can't find the driver and there's only kids here. I miss my mommy and daddy. A kid named Ralph made a loud noise with a pretty shell and all these boys showed up. There's this group of scary boys who I don't like, led by Jack who is other head boy. All I really want right now is too be home. I want to be warm and  full. I hate this! There's are things here called beastie's, they are super scary and I can't sleep at night. Last night I cried the whole time. I want to go home. :( I know that Jack and Ralph are fighting and it makes me sad. Jack is also really scary sometimes. There's other boys my age that I play with and they make me happy. Ralph is pretty cool and I like him. There's lots of fruit here and me and the other boys are eating a lot! The older boys seem worried for some reason but I don't know why. I think I should be scared. Why does no one pay attention to me here? Sometimes I can't handle it. I hate being alone. I hope we get rescued soon. Ralph made a fire on the top of the mountain in hopes that someone would find us. I really hope it works. I miss my family!  :'(