"My name is Percival Wemys Madison of Vicarage, Harcourt St. Anthony, Hants".

Friday 24 May 2013

Vote for Piggy!!

A vote for piggy is a vote for the littuns! :) Piggy cares about us; he makes us laugh and helps us when we're sad. He makes me forget about home so I’m not upset. He treats us like we should be treated as part of the group. He's always there for us and even stood up to both Ralph and Jack. He's tough! His name might not seem like much but he gets the job done (and he's not mean about doing so). If Piggy was the leader the fire would have never gone out. He always makes sure we're tucked into bed and would make sure everything would go perfectly with NO FIGHTS! If Jack becomes the leader, Ralph would be mad and get upset and try to hurt him but if Ralph becomes leader, Jack would freak out and take his group of strong hunters with him. We would have no food to eat! :( I think Piggy would keep everyone in line. He's responsible, strong, enthusiastic, and helpful! Jack and Ralph are bullies that don't care if we get hurt and never try to comfort us when we're crying. They are a bunch of big meanies! If Piggy is elected we could live happily all together with no fights or arguments. He would make sure we would live in a civilized manner and that we didn't turn into savages. We would always have fresh water in the coconuts and the bathroom would be in one spot; everything that Ralph couldn't deliver. If you don't vote for Piggy, then don't vote for anyone! Ralph and Jack suck!


  1. This is exactly why we think Piggy should be in charge of the littluns! He's obviously the best suited for that, and you guys love him.

  2. In the future Piggy will probably die. Why dont you go cry some more.

    1. You're probably going to die before Piggy!

  3. Eric: piggy doesnt have the guts for this!
    Sam: even if he has a big gut

  4. You appear to understand that Jack is the only one who can provide us with meat, yet this is not enough to convince you that he is our rightful leader? I see you support Piggy. Let me bring to your attention the fact that "piggy" implies gluttony and gluttony is a sin. God would not look kindly on a leader who's very name is sinful. Vote Jack.
