"My name is Percival Wemys Madison of Vicarage, Harcourt St. Anthony, Hants".

Wednesday 15 May 2013

First Night!

After we got on the plane, it crashed on this island with no people and pink rocks. It was pretty but weird at the same time! We can't find the driver and there's only kids here. I miss my mommy and daddy. A kid named Ralph made a loud noise with a pretty shell and all these boys showed up. There's this group of scary boys who I don't like, led by Jack who is other head boy. All I really want right now is too be home. I want to be warm and  full. I hate this! There's are things here called beastie's, they are super scary and I can't sleep at night. Last night I cried the whole time. I want to go home. :( I know that Jack and Ralph are fighting and it makes me sad. Jack is also really scary sometimes. There's other boys my age that I play with and they make me happy. Ralph is pretty cool and I like him. There's lots of fruit here and me and the other boys are eating a lot! The older boys seem worried for some reason but I don't know why. I think I should be scared. Why does no one pay attention to me here? Sometimes I can't handle it. I hate being alone. I hope we get rescued soon. Ralph made a fire on the top of the mountain in hopes that someone would find us. I really hope it works. I miss my family!  :'( 


  1. Ralph can be a very mean boy some times, but the choir boys will stand by you if you stand by us.


    1. Ralph is a good leader though. You can't even catch a pig... ;)

    2. How dare you mock him, you ignorant child! Ralph cannot begin to compare. Jack is the most capable, and he will catch a pig, if only to feed your unholy mouth. Do not think that your youth shields you from the wrath of God. Jack is our messiah, and to spurn his offer of friendship and protection is pure blasphemy! You are rude and uncouth. Repent now, or know that God frowns on you.

  2. It won't be long until we're rescued. All you have to do is be really strong and we'll be fine!

  3. we willl be yur new family!

  4. You should not fear Jack, he is our rightful leader. You should not fear the choir boys either, as we are the only ones offering any semblance of establishment. I can forgive this blindness in light of your youth, and I know that God would too. Keep up hope, for the Lord will offer us salvation.
